The Port Everglades dredging project threatens vulnerable wildlife and habitats. Miami Waterkeeper, in conjunction with the Center for Biological Diversity, Florida Wildlife Federation, and Diving Equipment and Marketing Association, brought litigation to ensure that corals and other wildlife are protected during the planned dredging. We have already secured and commented on new environmental assessments, called. Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement.
While the project was initially planned to start in 2017 with outdated coral surveys and improper coral protections, our litigation has secured new environmental assessments with improved protections. The latest status report concludes: “The Corps presently anticipates that contract award for channel deepening and widening work will not occur before August 2023, and the channel deepening and widening work for the Project will not commence before September 2023, at the earliest.” Therefore, the project is delayed 6 years already due to our advocacy.
Read the full status report on the Port Everglades project HERE.
Read the prior report here.
Read more about the Port Everglades project here.