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Where can I find the application materials?


When is the application deadline?

July 31st is the deadline to apply for the 2024-2025 school year.

What age group is this program for?

The Junior Ambassador program is a high school leadership program. You must be in high school in order to apply (apply when entering grades 9-12).

How long is the Junior Ambassador program?

The program occurs throughout the course of a regular school year (ie: September to June). However, Ambassadors have the option to extend for an additional year by applying for the Leadership Board after completion of the program.

How much does this program cost?

This is a free program offered by Miami Waterkeeper.

Where are the events and meetings?

Event details are included in the Junior Ambassador schedule. Most Advocacy Trainings will take place at Miami Waterkeeper offices. However, service events will take place at various locations throughout Miami-Dade County.

Can I get community service hours for participating in this program?

Yes. Each event and training is worth 3 community service hours. 

Which events and activities are mandatory?

This competitive program expects ambassadors to attend all required events, meetings, and trainings. Recurring absences may lead to loss of ambassador status.

What if I have to miss an event?

If you have an excused absence, you can attend one of the make-up events listed in the schedule.

How many public presentations am I required to do?

One presentation.  

What is an Advocacy Training?

Advocacy Trainings are mandatory meetings where Ambassadors will be trained in various skills. In particular, these trainings will educate Junior Ambassadors on scientific issues, governmental frameworks, policy objectives, and communication skills. Junior Ambassadors will learn how to give presentations about water resource issues in South Florida at Advocacy Trainings. Miami Waterkeeper is a non-partisan organization – all Junior Ambassador trainings will also be strictly non-partisan.

What is a service event?

  • Beach clean-ups
  • Habitat restoration
  • Outreach activities (e.g. farmers' markets or attending eco-festivals for Miami Waterkeeper)

How many Ambassadors are there?

This is a competitive program and Miami Waterkeeper selects 35-40 students each year, depending on the number of applications received.  

Do I need parental approval in order to participate?

If you are under the age of 18, you need parental approval. Your parent or legal guardian must sign the Parent Permission Form on our website. Signed forms must be uploaded with you submit your application.

What if I have other questions?

Email us at [email protected] or call/text 305-905-0856.