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Local leaders meet to explore ways to improve, protect Biscayne Bay


Photo credit: CBS News Miami

Local leaders meet to explore ways to improve, protect Biscayne Bay

MIAMI (FL)May 20, 2024 / 6:40 PM EDT / CBS Miami - Biscayne Bay is one of Miami-Dade County's most significant natural resources. On Monday, local leaders from both the public and private sectors gathered for the 2024 Biscayne Bay Marine Health Summit to explore ways to collaborate to improve and protect the Bay. Miamians know all too well it needs protection." 

Less than two weeks ago, the organization [Miami Waterkeeper] found dead fish and trash floating in a canal in Coral Gables, which feeds into Biscayne Bay.Gorchow asked her, "If the status quo remains the same, what happens?""We're going to see the degradation of the Bay," answered Karim. "Unfortunately, the Bay is going to potentially give us more algae blooms, and more fish kills, and the reason for that is that it's almost immuno-suppressed. The more pollution that goes into the Bay, the less likely it is to recover."

View the full story via @CBSMiami.

Aliza Karim 

Water Quality Research Manager, Miami Waterkeeper

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