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Celebrating Earth Day 2020 with Force-E Scuba Centers

In honor of Earth Day 2020, Miami Waterkeeper’s Outreach Coordinator, Collin Schladweiler led a virtual presentation hosted by FORCE-E Scuba Centers! Viewers learned about our community programs, including our new digital tools, and learned the latest information about what is happening currently in our oceans and our waterways.

This webinar, hosted on Facebook Live, included an in-depth presentation about our organization and current pollution issues Miami Waterkeeper is addressing. These campaigns include:

Reducing Fertilizer Runoff

Protecting FL’s Reefs

Ending Sewage Leaks

Stopping FPL’s Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant

Water Quality Monitoring 

(FORCE-E Scuba's Social Media and Event Coordinator, Nikole Heath, pictured left, and Miami Waterkeeper's Outreach Coordinator, Collin Schladweiler, pictured right.)


The presentation highlighted the silver lining of the current "Stay at Home" orders, with less boat traffic, beachgoers, and very little rainfall, our water has been significantly clearer and bluer. 

And while we're all keeping our distance, many people are also connecting with the nature that's around them with rare sightings of protected species, reporting contaminant spills in waterways, and more! Click HERE to learn more about our #SeeAFishSendaFish campaign to learn how you can get involved in this effort! 

After the presentation, Collin answered questions from viewers regarding sewage spills, best management practices for water conservation, and more. Click HERE to watch the full presentation.

Miami Waterkeeper has created other free digital resources including educational lesson plans, virtual quizzes, and other resources to keep our minds at Bay while keeping our distance. Click HERE to explore and learn more about our new initiatives. 


Special thanks to FORCE-E Scuba Centers for hosting Miami Waterkeeper this year, in celebration of Earth Day! 

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