sea level rise blog

The Army Corps' $4.6 billion storm surge plan for Miami

Want a 35 ft high wall along the Brickell waterfront? Neither do we. We need sustainable, equitable solutions to deal with sea level rise and storm surge.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is proposing a $4.6 billion investment to address storm surge risk in our region. This proposal, called the "Back Bay Study," proposes a range of "grey" infrastructure options like giant walls in Biscayne Bay and flood gates, but largely leaves out nature-based solutions like mangrove and restoration and living shorelines.  It proposes to bisect neighborhoods with walls too -- and could make flooding worse. You can read their full proposal HERE




Photo credit: Curtis + Rogers Design Studio & Downtown Development Authority

As ground zero for sea level rise and a hurricane-prone region, Miami needs big investments in resiliency. But the plan has to work for our community and our environment too. This proposal should be modified to focus on: 

  • Nature and nature-based features like living shorelines and coral restoration
  • Fortification of critical infrastructure such as water and wastewater treatment plants
  • Septic to sewer conversion as a pollution prevention and resiliency measure
  • Investment in under-resourced communities
  • Manage stormwater through filtration and retention-focused projects

 Here are the letters that we have written to the Corps about their proposal. What's wrong with it, and how to fix it. 

As you can see, we've been making comments on this project for years. But the Corps isn't listening. Miami-Dade County is the local sponsor, so they have to "sign off" on the plan. You can help by getting in touch with our County Mayor, Daniella Levine Cava, and the County Commissioner Eileen Higgins.  

Let them know what you think about this proposal. Miami can do better! Let's make the most of this opportunity.

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    • Helen Wohl
      commented 2021-07-08 21:06:38 -0400
      Mayor Cava, Dont build this wall. Commissioner Higgins, Tear down this wall plan. Listen to Miamiwaterkeepers!
    • Grace Salas
      commented 2021-06-12 08:42:32 -0400
      Please Do Not Build That Wall
    • Grace Salas
      followed this page 2021-06-12 08:42:11 -0400
    • Jean Rodriguez Espinal
      commented 2021-06-11 23:39:31 -0400
      I disagree with the building of a wall in bay shore drive that would be detrimental to the environment