On June 18th, 2018 Miami Waterkeeper, and the National Parks Conservation Association, submitted comments regarding the extension of FPL's Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant -- which would make it the longest operating nuclear power plant in the world.
(Source: World Nuclear News)
We both have a strong interest in ensuring that current and future operations of Turkey Point Nuclear Plant, owned and operated by Florida Power & Light (FPL), does not cause detrimental impacts to the surrounding environment, including regional water resources, national parks, wildlife, and sensitive wetlands.
As part of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review process, we strongly urged the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to include as part of the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) an in-depth analysis of the environmental impacts associated with the continued operation of Turkey Point’s industrial wastewater facility cooling canal system (CCS) and the plant’s vulnerability to sea level rise and storm events.
Read the full letter HERE.