Amalia Fernandez

Executive Assistant

Amalia Fernandez
One of the newest members of Miami Waterkeeper, Amalia is serving as the Executive Assistant to Rachel Silverstein and the management team.

One of the newest members of Miami Waterkeeper, Amalia is serving as the Executive Assistant to Rachel Silverstein and the management team.

Originally from Spain, where she obtained her Bachelor degree in Hospitality and a Masters Degree in Sales and Communications, she joined Miami Waterkeeper to help boost the productivity of the team and reach full potential.

An enthusiastic environmentalist, she has traveled, worked and lived in various countries with her husband and now two daughters, learning the different languages and cultures whilst developing a greater sense of community and social responsibility. Two decades of working for both large enterprises and small businesses has proven to Amalia that purpose is at the heart of it all and the key ingredient to mobilize people.

An avid sportswoman, if you don't see her on a beach clean up you will find her training for a marathon!