On Thursday, January 13, the six Commissioners on the County Infrastructure, Operations, and Innovation Committee were to consider Agenda Item 2A, sponsored by Commissioner Diaz, directing staff to amend the Comprehensive Development Master Plan.
Agenda Item 2A is a resolution that would, among other things, require the County to maintain a minimum 10-year land supply of single-family residential housing units.Over 560 advocates have asked the Commissioners to vote NO on this item. That’s because this amendment would likely require moving the Urban Development Boundary (UDB), a line that divides developed areas from the Everglades. The UDB has been one of our best tools to protect this habitat, our drinking water, and Biscayne Bay from urban sprawl. However, only one of the six Commissioners actually showed up to the meeting. For lack of a quorum, the vote has been postponed to a future meeting. While we are disappointed this resolution has not yet been voted down, we are using the opportunity to continue spreading the work about this threat to our community's future.
Join us in taking advantage of this additional time for our community members to make their voices heard! Share this page to let the commissioners know that you want them to vote NO on Agenda Item 2A.