Stand up for Florida's Wetlands
Our wetlands are at risk!
Environmental degradation in Florida is occurring at breakneck speed. Tell the Biden administration to stand up for Florida’s wetlands and restore federal protection under the Clean Water Act.
Florida has lost nearly half of its original wetlands to drainage and development. These wetlands are vital habitat for diverse species such as the Florida panther, colorful wildflowers, and wading birds. They also provide an essential ecosystem service by filtering out the pollution that contributes to algae blooms. And as climate change brings more rains, wetlands can prevent dangerous flooding by temporarily storing and slowly releasing stormwater.
In the last days of the prior administration, the EPA rushed to give the authority to dredge and fill wetlands to the state of Florida -- and away from the Federal government. This change leaves these already-threatened wetlands even more vulnerable and guts many of the strongest protections for wetlands and mangroves.
Leaving Florida in charge of this program makes way for more development, can harm species, and increase flooding. But the Biden administration can take this program back into the Federal government. Reach out to your federal representatives to urge the Biden administration to protect our wetlands and mangroves by keeping this program under federal regulations.