Tell the Senate to Skip Hearing Bills that Threaten Florida’s Wetlands and Endangered Species
Protect Florida’s Wetlands and Wildlife
We scored a huge legal win last month: after three years of careful deliberation, a federal judge struck down Florida’s program for reviewing the impacts that wetland permits have on imperiled species, finding that approval of the program circumvented important Endangered Species Act analysis.
In the meantime, U.S. Representative Aaron Bean tried to undermine the ruling. On Thursday, March 21st, the representative added an amendment to a federal bill that attempts to codify Florida’s illegal program so that it has “the force and effect of law." The bill narrowly passed a vote in the House on the same day. The Senate should not follow suit. Tell the Senate Environment and Public Works committee chair, Sen. Carper from Delaware, to refrain from hearing any legislation that would undo the judge’s ruling.