
Miami's Water and the Everglades: a 4-Part Series

The Everglades Foundation and Miami Waterkeeper teamed up to share essential insights on Miami’s waterways! Starting at the Everglades, join us on a journey from the wetlands to the aquifer that fuels our cherished Biscayne Bay—all the way to your tap— with Meenakshi Chabba, Ph.D., Ecosystem and Resilience Scientist at The Everglades Foundation and Rachel Silverstein, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer at Miami Waterkeeper. to learn how the Everglades is directly tied to the water we use every single day!

About the Series

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Watch the Introduction Video


1. Miami’s Water and The Everglades: How Are They Connected?

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2. Why Do We Need Canals in Miami?

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3. Monitoring Our Clean Water

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4. How Does Everglades Restoration Affect Our Water?

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